Zeribe Law Offices

Zeribe Law Offices


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Georgia Wrongful Death Lawyer

Atlanta wrongful death lawyer : Wrongful death in Georgia, especially the death of a child, is a sadly common case whose claims is usually brought about by relatives of the victim to those people who are liable. A person who is already dead cannot file a lawsuit, but activities that have resulted in that person’s demise is open for jurisdiction if someone else files a complaint. It would not matter whether the child death was intentional or negligent or out of reckless actions.

Pursuing a wrongful death case involves many complex issues, but a lot of people consider it as a must to be able to claim compensation. In Georgia, the claimant of the wrongful death may get the value of the full life of the deceased without reducing any of the expenses that the deceased has lived. Others could also seek for funeral bills and medical bills from the culprit of the wrongful death.

The first and most vital step in pursuing a wrongful death case would have to be getting a lawyer. Some Georgia lawyers are paid per contingency agreement while others offer their services hourly. In a contingency agreement, this means that the lawyer will not be paid per hour, but instead, will get a percentage of the recovery money after the case has been settled. This is much of a wiser plan if you do not have money to pay for other fees yet. Your Atlanta wrongful death lawyers may handle them for you first with the forehand knowledge that he will be able to recover them right after he wins the case. The problem is that there is really no knowing when a wrongful death case would end. A majority of wrongful death cases is usually settled during one trial but some could take a few years. If you are really planning to pursue a wrongful death case, you must be aware and patient enough in knowing that you will not be able to get the justice you want that easily. Atlanta wrongful death lawyer

In addition, you must remember that under the Georgia Law, there is the “Statutes of limitation”, which manages the time that a person could file a complaint about a wrongful death. In some cases, the case is open for as short as one year while other severe cases are open for around eight years.

Life is a precious gift so it should be handled with great care. All people responsible for a person’s wrongful death, especially a child death, should face the consequences of the court.

Call the Atlanta wrongful death lawyer at Zeribe law Offices today.