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Immigration Law and US Politics

The United States of America is the land that many people want to live in. It is progressive and a powerful country in the world. If you are seeking to immigrate in the United States, you will do well in knowing about the immigration law and US politics. Both of these are interrelated in such a way that the immigration law is in constant amendment so as it can work in harmony with the other laws of the United States. Moreover, this is a persistent topic being dealt with by many US politicians.

The Immigration Laws of the United States of America

The immigration laws of the US have been altered numerous times. Here is a timeline to show it.

  • 1790:During this year, the Naturalization Act (NA) of 1970 was formed. It was the first immigration law to allow foreigners’ naturalization.
  • 1882: This year, the Chinese Exclusion Act was approved to halt the Chinese people’s immigration.
  • 1921 and 1924: These years marked the passing of the Emergency Quota Act as well as the Immigration Act that puts a limit to the number of immigrants allowed in the United States based on their nationality as well as yearly influx.
  • 1952:This year, the McCarran–Walter Act paved the way for the development of the US INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service.)

Type of Visas According to the Immigration Law of the United States

Currently, the type of visas in the US falls into:

  • Immigrant Visa

This visa is granted for people who would like to permanently reside in the United States. This type has a “capping” rule, where the immigration law imposes a limit in terms of the immigrants that will be admitted to the US every year. However, there is a bill proposal that seems to invalidate this capping though it is not yet approved.

  • Non-Immigrant Visa

The non-immigrant visa is the type that refers to those who are only coming to the United States for a limited period of time. This type of visa does not have a capping rule like that on Immigrant Visas. These are solely for work purposes and the immigrant needs to have an employment offer from a business that is registered in the United States.

  • Others

Other types would include tourist, family, as well as student visa.

The immigration law is more diverse than this, as this is just the tip of the iceberg. Aside from this, you must know that if you are looking to reside in the United States, you also have to determine if you are fit to be a US immigrant based on the eligibility categories set by the immigration law. This applies to all types of visas. You cannot just show up in the United States telling them that they need you or your skills or that the country will make good use of what you can do. This is not a mere job application. This is a tedious and complex process as your legal addition to their country may make an impact on the government and the economy of the United States.

Call 770-840-9098 for a consultation with out immigration lawyer..