Zeribe Law Offices

Zeribe Law Offices


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A Good Traffic Lawyer Can Make a Difference

If you have been charged with a traffic violation in Georgia, you should contact an experienced traffic lawyer. Traffic lawyers mostly specialize in traffic violation cases. You should fight a traffic violation charge against you. The fine may seem a small amount but when you pay the fine, you are basically accepting the charge against you. Georgia traffic attorneys can  advise you on paying the fine. Paying the fine can result in points on your license. Points on your license means increased insurance Read more [...]

Why Experience Matters in Personal Injury Cases

Consult with an experienced personal injury attorney if you have been injured by the negligent acts of another person.  There are many personal injury lawyers in every town but they probably don’t regularly handle personal injury cases. You need an attorney whose practice is devoted mostly to personal injury cases. A personal injury lawyer deals exclusively in personal injury cases. Insurance companies keep track of personal injury attorneys they regularly deal with, and will evaluate a claim Read more [...]